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“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” Benjamin Franklin
Throughout the year, Dr. Longley appears at a number of public events.
Due to COVID -19 restrictions, no in-person public appearances are scheduled at this time.
Future engagements will be posted on this page as they are announced.
For questions, please contact Dr. Longley here

Professor Longley signs copies of The Morenci Marines in Clifton, AZ, November 2013. Photo: Raymundo Frasquillo, Eastern Arizona Courier

Serving as LBJ Presidential Library director, Professor Longley, second from left, greets Secretary Hillary Clinton at the LBJ School of Public Affairs, November 14, 2018, in Austin, TX as Clinton arrives to receive the school's "In the Arena" award. Photo: Jay Godwin/LBJ Library.
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